NEWS: The Making Process of The Widows From Waste is nearing its end!

It has been well over two years since the making of the second collection from TORN was launched. The days between then and now have seen some small original designs and plenty of lovely customer requests that were shared over on the social media while at the same time the sneak peaks in to the collection itself appeared weekly to showcase the ongoing process of The Widows.

It has taken longer than expected to finish this collection, not only due to the careful cutting of each part of the garments in order to ensure that as much as possible of the purchased materials would be used, but also due to the decision to sew a significant number of the stitches by hand. For a clothing collection made to save the original clothes from their unlucky way to the landfill or the flames, cutting each piece of the pattern with care was the only correct way. To celebrate the beauty of the slow fashion over the fast fashion, the careful needle and thread work gave the clothes the pride and love they should have had from the beginning.

As the final details are being attached to the fifth Widow at the studio, the next exciting stage of the process approaches as two wonderful photographers have promised their help to bring The Widows to life with their cameras. I hope to write and share more about that and about the whole journey so far with you soon here on the blog!


The First Look at The Widows, The Wandering Widow


The Widows from Waste: The Visual Inspiration in the Designing Progress